Tuesday, May 12, 2009

i don't have much time

six minutes, to be exact, is left of my internet time. there is so much to say about my experiences so far. but again, i will have to postpone. i'm thinking for now, i'll just write a quick list.

things i love about tanzania:

-the wild flowers, they are so colorful and gorgeous!
-the clothes the women wear, again, so colorful and bright
-taking the time to sincerely greet the people around you
-how far the amerian dollar goes
-how nice everyone is to me and how much the kids automatically love me
-playing squash with the other white people in town
-home visits to sick people

that's not much so far, i'm sure i'll add tons to this list as time goes on and i get to do more stuff and see more things.

things i miss about home

-coffee, coffee, coffee
-salads and sandwiches
-trash cans
-the rain (grass is always greener on the other side, eh?)
-readily available soap after using the toilet
-the freedom to expose my legs in public a.k.a. NOT wearing longs skirts every day. laaame.
-mountain ranges
-large bodies of water
-reliable electricity/water/internet

and it goes without saying that imiss all of you - my friends and family.

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